That's easier said than done! → ¡eso se dice pronto!, es fácil decirlo, pero hacerlo. To have an easy ride ( fig) → tener las cosas fáciles To be within easy reach of sth → estar muy cerca de algo Thesaurus PHRASE (proverb) - del dicho al hecho hay mucho trecho Synonyms for easier said than done difficult difcil Random Word Roll the dice and learn a new word now Get a Word Want to Learn Spanish Spanish learning for everyone. To go for or take the easy option → optar por lo más fácil Caitlin Carlson, Women's Health, 15 June 2023 Way easier said than done, of course, but beginnings are nothing if not aspirational. ' Example Sentences Recent Examples on the Web That’s easier said than done, but here are 20 super simple stress hacks to try. To be easy on the eye/ear → ser or resultar agradable a la vista/al oídoĮat something that's easy on the stomach → come algo que sea fácil de digerir : not easy to do 'We just need to raise the money.' 'That's easier said than done. It's an easy mistake to make → es un error que se comete fácilmente "Russian made easy" → " ruso sin esfuerzo" This common expression was first seen in print in the Terentius Afer’s 1483 book, Vulgaria Terentii, and was worded in the language of the day as: It is easyer to saye than to do. Like so many popular sayings, the origin of the idiom easier said than done can be found in venerable literature. Is it something like 'It is easier to be said. Interesting fact about Easier Said than Done. What is another word for easier said than done Need similar words from our thesaurus that you can use instead. I just want to know the longer/complete sentence version of it. They made it very easy for us → nos lo pusieron muy fácil Hello, members My English textbook of American Idioms says that 'easier said than done' has the meaning of 'more difficult than you think'. That's easy for you to say → para ti es fácil decirloĮasy listening (= music) → música f fácil de escuchar He came in an easy first → llegó el primero sin problemas There are no easy answers → no hay respuestas fáciles

Learn synonyms, antonyms, and opposites of Easier said than done in English with Spanish translations of every word. He's easy to get on with → es muy fácil llevarse bien con élįluorescent jackets are easy to see at night → las chaquetas fluorescentes son fáciles de ver por la noche Synonyms and Antonyms of Easier said than done. He's easy to work with → es fácil trabajar con él It is easy to see that → es fácil ver que.